Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Fun Day - Crambo aka Bouts Rimés - A Kiss

 Bouts Rimés means "rhymed ends" in French and is a game or challenge where one person (me) makes a list of rhymed words and others (you) write the lines that end with those rhymes, in the same order in which they were given. It was known as Crambo in English and was quite popular in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Will you help me bring back this hip historical habit?
Above are the words.
Get writing rhyme nerds!
There will be no winner. This is just for fun
and the joy of rhyming a smile for everyone.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Poetic Tale Inspired By Recent SCOTUS Rulings

Painting a Fairytale
by Rachel Hoyt
image by Master isolated images via
Monochrome City
liked things black & white -
sleeping while sunny
then waking at night,
the weak vs. the mighty,
clear cut wrongs and rights -
No rainbow shade could be
a part of its sights.

Rainbow Town, nearby,
liked things bright and bold -
the sun in the sky
shining bright as gold,
kindness for free,
even gross green mold -
Black & white you might see,
though rarely, I'm told.
The Rainbow Town folks
worked in Monochrome,
dyeing all the Oaks
to match the big homes,
wishing they could coax
their way in as gnomes -
Then one day city folk
awoke while they roamed.
Monochrome City
quickly divided
over the beauty
nature provided,
what makes things pretty,
and what is two-sided -
Rainbow folks roamed free
and moved in when guided.
All colors lived in
until their young kin
could no longer see
where colors begin
and who serves the tea -
Longing for what had been,
they produced a decree:
"Monochrome City
must be black & white
and so I, sadly,
declare here tonight:
Rainbows will soon be
painted out of sight.
If they move out quickly,
they can keep daylight."
© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
Inspired by recent threats to Affirmative Action and voters' rights,
this rhyme describes a town with dreamy, backward sights.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wacky Word Wednesday - Unasinous

(ooh na si nuhs)
by Rachel Hoyt
image by SOMMAI via
We can use the word unasinous
for things equally asinine to us,
like a convertible submarine and a low flying bus -
Similarly stupid things are unasinous.
© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Fun Day - Crambo aka Bouts Rimés - Globe

 Bouts Rimés means "rhymed ends" in French and is a game or challenge where one person (me) makes a list of rhymed words and others (you) write the lines that end with those rhymes, in the same order in which they were given. It was known as Crambo in English and was quite popular in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Will you help me bring back this hip historical habit?
Above are the words.
Get writing rhyme nerds!
There will be no winner. This is just for fun
and the joy of rhyming a smile for everyone.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday Thoughts - On Mass Surveillance in America

Why Watch Me?
by Rachel Hoyt
image by idea go via
What if our loved ones live somewhere abroad?
What if our online friends are a bit odd?
What if our feet like jumping the big blue?
What if our eyes delight in culture too?
What if we work in the margins and cracks?
What if we live by the skin on our backs?
What if we asked for your help that one time?
What if we were falsely framed for a crime?
What if you know we have dreams to spark change?
What if you see us protest something strange?
What if you see a weird rant or ramble?
What if you know that we like to gamble?
When and why do you watch? What do you see?
And why would you take an interest in me?
© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
can certainly make one wonder whose watch they are under.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wacky Word Wednesday - Viridescent

(vir i des uhnt)
by Rachel Hoyt
image by BJWOK via
Something viridescent
may not be luminescent,
but monotone iridescent -
it's green, perhaps fluorescent,
though any green can be viridescent
© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Fun Day - Crambo aka Bouts Rimés - Bird House

Bouts Rimés means "rhymed ends" in French and is a game or challenge where one person (me) makes a list of rhymed words and others (you) write the lines that end with those rhymes, in the same order in which they were given. It was known as Crambo in English and was quite popular in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Will you help me bring back this hip historical habit?
Above are the words.
Get writing rhyme nerds!
There will be no winner. This is just for fun
and the joy of rhyming a smile for everyone.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thursday Thoughts - Unpaid Internships

by Rachel Hoyt

Intended for learning
Not for suffering,
They're tickets to earning,
Eggs slowly hatching,
Risks to your bottom line,
Not budget buffers,
Superfluous bland wine,
Human dream catchers.
Internship: free knowledge
Pursued beyond college.

© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Are internships the latest way to sneakily
keep a bit of the operating budget free?
Donate here so that we can all see
just how greedy corporations think they can be.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wacky Word Wednesday - Dree

by Rachel Hoyt
image by Rob Witshire via
To say something is dree
would mean it is dreary -
A drudge endured by thee
can be described as dree.
© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.
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Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Fun Day - Crambo aka Bouts Rimés - Reflection

Bouts Rimés means "rhymed ends" in French and is a game or challenge where one person (me) makes a list of rhymed words and others (you) write the lines that end with those rhymes, in the same order in which they were given. It was known as Crambo in English and was quite popular in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Will you help me bring back this hip historical habit?
Abstract photo of a tree.
Above are the words.
Get writing rhyme nerds!
There will be no winner. This is just for fun
and the joy of rhyming a smile for everyone.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday Thoughts - The Proof is in the Pudding for Online Dating Research

Packaged Pudding Proof
by Rachel Hoyt

image by noomhh via

The pudding still provides the proof
although it's now made from a box -
sweet powder created to spoof
the flavors that often flummox.

Scientifically designed
to bring your taste buds lasting joy.
Scientifically refined
to linger like love being coy.

They made the mix, but you still stirred
and added the magic, the love.
Take a lick. The proof is not blurred.
It is just guided from above.

© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved

Like many other companies these days,
with scientific research for which they paid.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wacky Word Wednesday - Saltire

(sal tir)
by Rachel Hoyt
image by fotographic1980 via

is an 'X' you don't hear
because it appears
to your eyes (not your ears) -
a cross symbol - saltire.

© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.
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