Sunday, July 31, 2011

Shark Week Clerihew

The 30 Rock guy, Tracy Jordan,
doesn't have words of wisdom often,
but simple solid advice he sometimes does speak,
i.e. "Live every week like it is shark week."

© Rachel Hoyt 2011.  All rights reserved.

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This rhyme is being shared in the Poetry Pantry and at Jingle's Poetry Potluck #46.
Please leave links to your poems below in the comment thread mix.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vacationing Vicariously

Image by nuttakit via

This summer I am vacationing vicariously through the news.
I can't afford to actually go but still love to pick and choose.
After watching the LA Red Bull Soapbox Derby on TV
I wondered what other odd events were out there to see.
Beyond the redneck games and cultural festivals we know,
what other fabulous places have sprung up that I should go?

The first place I discovered which I would like to explore,
is a pinball museum built north of me on the shore.
From there I'd like to fly to see the beer bottle temple.
I think staring at it would be a moment quite special.
I've decided to skip the luxurious Nazi Beach Resort.
Ask why and, "I've got enough bad dreams" will be my retort.

For my grand finale I'd like a week aboard my dream:
a Tropical Island Mega Yacht that's fit for a queen.
So far, they've only actually made a prototype
but I'm sure it's first sail will be worth all the hype.
I hope the boat will take us to an underwater party.
Trying out all of that would make my summer fun hearty!

© Rachel Hoyt 2011.  All rights reserved.

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This poem was entered in Poets' Rally Week 49.
Please leave your links if you comment on mine.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Governing by Tweet

Image by renjith krishnan via

A fellow who loved a good thrill
Not stuck behind bars
or stranded on Mars
he'd find ways to be ruler still.

Rachel Hoyt 2011.  All rights reserved.

This is my entry tor MadKane's Limerick-Off Monday.
Visit her blog to read more thrilling limericks today.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Butter Tub Ukuleles

Image by nuchylee via

Would seeing Prince Charles with a butter tub ukulele
make you laugh and walk away or wish you could say hey?
I've never been fascinated with the Royal Family,
but thought this snap of him was super cute to see.
Usually seen acting so prim and proper,
his expression here could be a show stopper.
Also, the cause he's supporting is pretty dang cool.
I wish they'd done things like that when I was in school.

© Rachel Hoyt 2011.  All rights reserved.

This post is being shared at Open Link Night at dVerse Poets Pub.
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Friday, July 15, 2011

Stormtrooper Gone Walkabout

Image by Ohmega1982 via

If you saw a stormtrooper walking down the street
(not on Halloween) would you think it was neat?
Would you wonder why he had gone walkabout?
Would you stop and ask questions to figure it out?

If you live in Australia you may encounter this scenario,
because one man is doing that to raise some dough.
He's walking all the way around the island in costume.
Twenty five miles at a time, the outback he'll consume.

Raising money for sick children with one wacky act
is impressive to me.  Yes, that's a fact.
Ryan French, thank you for inspiring this rhyme.
I hope your journey is a smile filled, memorable time.

© Rachel Hoyt 2011.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reach for the Sublime

It's hard to believe NASA's final flight is in orbit
without starting to feel at least a teeny bit morbid.
Of course, the end of any era means the start of a new one
and perhaps future exploration will be even more fun!

Sure, no one else will ever be the first to pee in space
but perhaps someone will build a space vacation place.
Hopefully we will never again get lost on the moon
and someday they'll turn Al and Ed's story into a cartoon.

If ever again an incident involves spacecraft and lightning,
I hope it's a Back to the Future thing and not something frightening.
Though NASA's desire to power up solar didn't work at first,
perhaps they just needed to channel a lightning burst?

The technology we've been using is over thirty years old.
I'm glad we're taking the step to do something more bold.
Though it's fun to reminisce on everything we've seen and done.
Weird creatures shouldn't be the only ones to join the in-flight fun.

If we want ordinary people to someday have the opportunity
to experience the things that now only astronauts get to see,
we will need a vessel at least as modern as a cell phone,
not one from the time when shuttles symbolized "on roam".

It seems only fitting we would share spacecraft for a while,
with the country that helped invent out-of-this-world-style.
Previously a competitor, now our partner in crime.
Together we must now reach toward the sublime.

© Rachel Hoyt 2011.  All rights reserved.

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Trendy Weather Talk

Image by prozac1 via

Let's face it people. We all talk about the weather.
Something about the subject brings us together.
Yet the study I conducted with that very theme
wasn't so popular... just what does that mean?

I could assume the obvious: people find the weather boring
and are trying to avoid causing their readers' snoring.
But how could you ignore the weird storms that we've had lately?
Am I wrong to think talking about them won't date me?

I'm pretty sure discussing Haboobs is quite trendy.
I've heard more talk of them lately than I have of Fendi.
I'm also quite certain if animals again fell from the sky
that we'd loudly debate if it was true or a lie.

are either trend setters or writers quite plain.
I think all the entries were far from mundane.

So, whether you think weather talk is cool or nerdy
we'll keep discussing the odd, cool and perty
that we see all around us each and every day.
Feel free to join in this life enriching trend, ok?

© Rachel Hoyt 2011.  All rights reserved.

 This rhyme was written in response to Smiley Sociology Study #7 on Weather.
Check back for the next opportunity to link up together.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Heckling Education

Image by Grant Cochrane via

I feel awfully young to be writing this phrase,
but what exactly is happening to education these days?
I have heard stories where kids do sound overworked
but the solution LA chose just makes me feel irked.
Now homework can count for no more than 10%?!
Earning an A with no homework done seems heaven sent.

The thing is, how could kids possibly learn all that stuff
without studying textbooks and practicing math enough?
Right there - that's where I sound just like my granddad.
Mostly I think that's funny. It doesn't really make me mad.
It would've been fun to heckle the district with him
about the fact that percentage seems a bit slim.

Maybe we should just offer to tutor the kids in poker?
They can still learn some math! (Yeah, I'm a joker.)
Perhaps a high school class on marketing via Twitter
is the next way they'll try to motivate each quitter.
If you can't make them study, encourage entrepreneurial spirit?
It's an idea I'd imagined but hoped I'd never live to hear it.

What would you do if suddenly homework counted for squat?
Doesn't that "up" classroom learning pressure quite a whole lot?
Could you have passed through school sans homework and cheating?
Why not just get a GED and let your school days be fleeting?
Haven't we produced enough dunces in the current system?
Should we expect some sort of nationwide educational schism?

© Rachel Hoyt 2011.  All rights reserved.

This rhyme is being shared at One Shot Wednesday - Week 53.
If you're visiting from there, please leave your links for me.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Do I look like fireworks?

Image by pal2iyawit via

A woman who always felt free

to dress as weird as she be.

Went out in tie dye

for the 4th of July.

Firework colors made her feel pretty.

© Rachel Hoyt 2011.  All rights reserved.

This rhyme was written for Mad Kane's Freedom Loving Limerick Off.
Visit her site to read other entries you surely won't scoff.