Monday, April 20, 2020

La Expedición

La Expedición
de Rachel Hoyt

Un día finalmente supe
Lo que necesitaba hacer, y empecé,
Aunque todos mis vecinos
Estaban gritando
Su mal consejo –
Aunque la casa
Estaba temblando
Y sentí el tirón
En mis tobillos.
“¡Arregla la vida mía!”
Llamaron las voces.
Pero no pare.
Supe lo que necesitaba hacer
Aunque el viento arrastró
Con sus garras
A mis fundamentos,
Aunque su melancolía
Era terrible.
Ya era tarde
Bastante, y una noche salvaje,
Y la calle estaba llena del caído –
Las ramas y piedras.
Pero poco a poco,
Cuando les deje en el pasado,
Las estrellas empezaron a brillar
Dentro de las hojas de nubes,
Y hubo una voz nueva
Que pausadamente
Llegué a saber como mío,
Que me estaba acompañando
Mientras que me sumergí
En el mundo,
Decidido a hacer
La única cosa que pude hacer –
Decidido a salvar
La única cosa que podría salvar.

© Rachel Hoyt 2020. All rights reserved.

Este poema es una traducción de ‘The Journey’ de Mary Oliver.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Not Dreaming

I'm possible 
Becomes impossible 
When idealists
Become idea lists.

Image and poem copyright © 2020 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Find images like this in Rachel's Shutterstock portfolio. 

Question City

Near when and if,
Past here and now,
Who meets what,
At why and how.

Image and poem copyright © 2020 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Find images like this in Rachel's Shutterstock portfolio. 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Your End of the Rainbow

Your heart 
is an endless 
pot of gold you can fill
any and every time you choose 
to love.

Image and poem copyright © 2020 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Find images like this in Rachel's Shutterstock portfolio. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Join In

If you are a dreamer, join in,
If you're a creator, a player, high-flier,
A make-believe schemer, a hopeful wish buyer...
If you're a pretender, please join in, inspire,
Be part of our travels - the who, what, and when.
Join in!
Join in!

Image and poem copyright © 2020 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

The digital collage and poem above were created by Rachel Hoyt for her newest website - - a collection of pet fairy tales, folk tales, and urban legends designed to educate and inspire. Rachel is using digital collages to bring her stories to life on her website and creating additional art for the @pokeyandharry Instagram account to travel the world through her art.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


No more.
Reality now:
I've got to get away
From me, myself, and I somehow. 
Right now.

Image and poem copyright © 2020 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

The digital collage above is the first image Rachel Hoyt created for her newest website - - a collection of pet fairy tales, folk tales, and urban legends designed to educate and inspire.