Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Fun Day - Unexpected Smiles

Small Pleasures
by Rachel Hoyt
image by pakorn via
Sometimes a cute little note
that someone you don't know wrote
that is worded wittily neat
can brighten your day
in the most special way
because it is most unexpected
when small pleasures aren't neglected.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back.


  1. What I love are fun little rhymes like this.
    They always brighten an otherwise somber mood.
    I need to work more on those.

    1. That is why I love writing them so much! Even when I'm writing about something that makes me angry, if I can rhyme it in a clever way, then I'll always be smiling at the end. :) I enjoyed your rhyme this morning. :)

  2. How true! Sometimes it is these small things that give us the most pleasure. I have never had someone write a note like that for me. Maybe someday. Rachel

    1. Keep your eyes peeled Rimly! Someone may have written a note to everyone that you won't see if you aren't looking... menus, receipts, etc. :)

  3. Dear Rachel,
    Happy Friday!
    I so agree. I leave my wife little notes all the time. I even ring her several times a day just to hear her voice and tell her how much I love her. That's just me and the kind of guy I am. Of course, anything remotely chocolate can also work wonders as a mood changer too (smile). Thank for sharing.

    Moonlight Serenade

    1. Your wife is a lucky lady. Me & chocolate are pretty good to each other as well. :)

  4. "Penis Butter Snickers!?" I don't even want to know :D

    1. LOL. Good man! You obviously clicked the links. :) I'm assuming that note was written on accident by a very distracted female or a very irritated, passiive agressive man. Of course, you know what they say about assuming... :P

  5. This is so true! My girls always used to leave little notes for me. I treasure them all :) Great poem Rachel!

    1. Thank you, Rimly! Kids notes are the best. :) The neighbor kids put one in the mailbox for me once. It is still on my fridge. :)

  6. So very true..... I love small pleasures. They make my day. We all need them, I think; and your poem is a wonderful reminder of that fact. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Mary. I definitely think we all need them. :)

  7. I also love small pleasures! Loved this one as well---

  8. Beautiful. Small pleasures does make your day :-)


Rhyming or not, I would like a lot to hear the thoughts my words brought...