Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Are California's High Speed Trains Just a Dream?

Dream Train
by Rachel Hoyt
We chug along, dreaming our dreams -
at least to some they're dreams it seems -
Dreams of not driving everywhere,
Dreams of a reasonable fare,
Dreams of a route from A to B
that's environmentally friendly,
Dreams of flight speeds without the height,
Dreams with not a single red light,
Dreams of feeling connected to
these pathways which can lead us through
to places we find and build dreams,
where dreams are life's supportive beams.

© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

They say the high speed train is not a cause which should succeed.
I say it is a dream which oil kings wish to squash with greed.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - Converting Sleep to Song

Melodic Dreams
by Rachel Hoyt
image by fotographic1980's via

Once fleeting dreams
Now will not die
Sleep's a broken melody
That can now fly.

Hold fast to dreams -
Record a song.
Write down your memory
So you can sing along.

Reach for your dreams
Sing loud and clear
Harnessing energy
Within to squash fear.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved
Inspired by Langston Hughes' poem, "Dreams" and this news article on converting sleep to song.
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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - National Optimism Month

Dream Me a Smile
by Rachel Hoyt

Image by Federico Stevanin via

I'd had one terrible, awful, bad day -
That day optimism killed my dismay.
Around every corner harm had been lurking.
On every face, I saw frowns and smirking.
I'd gone to bed angry, wishing on a star
That tomorrow would be more up to par.

The second that my head hit the pillow,
My dream of the day began to flow,
Except that it wasn't exactly the same.
Everyone smiled as if they knew my name.
Laughing was heard everywhere
Life felt happy and laissez faire.

I did dribble coffee on my clean shirt,
When Jerry said that he had bought a yurt,
But Jerry laughed at me and I, him,
Then he admitted he'd purchased on a whim.
I didn't get mad that he'd "made me spill"
And he wasn't hurt that I'd "mocked his thrill".

Then we walked together to the corner store
Where I bought a pen that made my stain "no more".
I skipped with joy the two steps down the aisle
Which changed the grumpy cashier's style.
He wasn't angry that I'd used it before paying
And I didn't lie, "I was in the line waiting!"

I did not step in gum outside the library,
Thanks to a timely warning from Jerry.
The librarian still kicked us out due to noise,
But this time laughs (not yells) pricked her poise.
She wasn't mad, just enforcing the rule.
We knew that and magically kept our cool.

By the time I awoke, I'd relived the whole day
Acting just slightly happier along the way.
Somehow the day seemed to go smoother,
Making optimism seem like a maneuver -
One that I planned to try out in real life
To see if it really could make good days rife.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Hairy Legs Dream

Image by anankkml via

I recently dreamt my legs were really hairy -
hairy like a brown bear's are - pretty dang scary.
Thankfully I have friends who interpret dreams.
They help me figure out what everything means.
It's likely I was fearing NaPoWrioMo defeat,
perhaps worrying that I couldn't complete,
a full month of poems without going crazy
though certainly not due to acting lazy.
So I thought I'd twist that "fear" into a rhyme
and save the hairy legs dream for another time.

© Rachel Hoyt 2011.  All rights reserved.

My NaPoWriMo poem #8