Showing posts with label light hearted verse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light hearted verse. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wacky Word Wednesday - Saltire

(sal tir)
by Rachel Hoyt
image by fotographic1980 via

is an 'X' you don't hear
because it appears
to your eyes (not your ears) -
a cross symbol - saltire.

© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.
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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday Thoughts - Walmart as a Corporate Example

The Corporate Concept
by Rachel Hoyt

image by janoon028 via

Business is a basic model
near any mortal could master.
but corporations you must coddle,
plan actions like a wise pastor.

You must know how long it will take
to run others into the ground.
You must take in a big enough rake
to pay fines in gold, by the pound.

You must make jobs seem like the perk,
the lone, precious means to an end.
You must lie every day at work
and (maybe) backstab your best friend.

Keep costs down. Let net worth augment.
Hide profits in loopholes you find.
Keep the money people content.
(They are the thread that could unwind.)

When they find out why things are cheap
and demand quick reparations,
just pay the price and don't say bleep,
hope that ends investigations.

If they tell you to change your ways,
be kinder to those 'down below',
increase how much your buyers pay,
remind them just who runs the show.

If you played all of your cards right,
no one will challenge your brute force,
your children will live rich and light
of duty, doldrums, and remorse.

© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Walmart got a big slap on the wrist recently,
for some charges to which they (finally) plead guilty.

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Photo Fun - Something Golden

Something Golden
by Rachel Hoyt
Not male or female,
Does not have a tail,
Peeks from up high
at the passers by...
© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
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Friday Photo Fun is when I share a randomly captured moment,
or perhaps a photo experiment with more purposeful intent,
then pair it with a rhyming riddle to exercise your mind
and teach you more weird facts to which you once were blind.
After the answer is guessed, I will post a second, non-abstract photo...
and just in case you wanted to know,
the first is not a photoshopped version of the second -
they're shot using different techniques that to me beckon.
Jeffrey persisted (via Facebook) all day long
and finally guessed one of the answers that wasn't wrong:

Cherub, Putto, Angel, or Cupid


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - On Christmas Cheer

I Saw Cheer
by Rachel Hoyt
Decorations sparkling bright
on a brisk, hiemal night -
A bear sitting hillside although
quite soon it would begin to snow -
A rose garden covered with pine
laid out neatly in a line -
Brought the Christmas spirit to
my heart, my mind, and my soul too.
Dogs that ski and chase snowballs -
Shopping craft markets, shunning malls -
Snowflakes sticking to each eyelash -
Strolling along, no need to dash -
Drinking Gluhwein (German mulled wine)
in a city quite far from mine -
I felt Santa within my soul
and in the view - snow covered knoll.
When I got home I realized that
Santa is where you see him at:
A group of elves gath'ring for lunch,
A bowl of hot rum party punch,
A Gingerbread Latte to go,
Palm Trees that glisten with fake snow,
no myth - and belief that it glows.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
This rhyme was inspired by my recent vacation
and reindeer news via BoingBong - Christmasy education.
Technorati Tags: Creative, Judge, Sentencing, Rhyme, Poetry
Read more rhymes by Rachel at her column, Clickety -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Tinnient

by Rachel Hoyt

image by nirots via

Tinnient sounds
Aren't ones that abound.
Their tings are unique,
Clear, pleasant, chic -
Like sleighbells (So jubilant!) -
Those sounds oh so tinnient.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Esthesia

by Rachel Hoyt

is the opposite of anaesthesia -
it's the ability to feel the
pleasures that please ya
and pains that seize ya -

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Izzat

(IZ ut)

by Rachel Hoyt

image by Danilo Rizzuti via

is not a nut,
but lives in your gut,
in your soul's hut -
to insults it says, "What?!
I'm no stray mutt,
nor ghost of King Tut.
I'm me, like you but
with more honor, izzat."
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.
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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - Amazon Kindle Content and Account Access

Pocket Garden
by Rachel Hoyt

image by Maggie Smith via

She lost the garden in her pocket -
One which she loved to explore.

She lost the garden in her pocket.
It was not forgotten on some floor.

She lost the garden in her pocket.
The groundskeeper said that she was banned.

She lost the garden in her pocket -
Now her library is a vacant book stand.

She lost the garden in her pocket -
Guts stolen, replaced with pocket lint.

She lost the garden in her pocket -
Canned contract speak her only hints.

She lost the garden in her pocket
But didn't enjoy life by herself.

She lost the garden in her pocket -
So she grew a forest on her shelf.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved

This chant poem was inspired by news of a woman whose Kindle was wiped
and whom Amazon banned without explanation (because she griped?).

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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -

poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - On David Siegel and Urban Legends

Burp Attack
by Rachel Hoyt
image by Marcus74id via
One day, The Ruler of Resorts
Looked out at his empire,
Gazed upon a small, green cohort
Some kids viewed as a squire.

Mac the turtle,
Toppled king Yertle -
With one simple burp,
He fell like a twerp.

The Ruler of Resorts knew stuff,
Which mostly he'd learned online,
And so he Googled, "How to rule tough,"
And made plans to thicken his spine.

Mac the turtle,
Pictured king Yertle,
Plummeting in fear,
Then yelled, "Boo!" in his ear.

The Ruler donned his crown
And gathered the thoughts he'd procured,
Wrote his insanity down
And mailed it before he matured.

Mac the turtle,
Laughed at pseudo-Yertle,
"You know you can't succeed.
I'm the yang to your yin greed!"

Knowing Mac was just a small voice,
Unlikely to sue for plagiarism,
The Ruler of Resorts stole his words by choice
With naive hopes of stopping a schism.

Mac the turtle,
Channelled king Yertle,
To decide what to do -
One burp or two?

Yertle fell quickly, but the Ruler's demise
Came from two distinct lifequakes -
One writer now richer for writing good lies
And staff gone on strike, "For Thought's Sake".
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved

and written in hopes the ending will resemble Dr. Seuss's, "Yertle the Turtle".

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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - A Sonnet for Driverless Cars

Self-Driving Sonnet
by Rachel Hoyt
image by digitalart via
Shall I compare thee to a chauffeured ride?
Thou art more dicey and incognito.
Hast thou not a soul within as your guide?
The future is soon and then we will know.
Wilt thou shine radiant with metallic wit,
Overflowing with delicious dotings,
Making conga lines form in a mosh pit,
Mending the crippled and paralyzed wings,
Skipping stumbling lushes from bars to home,
Taking over boring tasks like parking,
Letting riders sit and enjoy the roam,
Quieting traffic's need for loud barking?
So long as you're nice we'll praise you 'round town,
But betray our trust and we'll shut you down.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved

Inspired by Shakespeare's Sonnet 18
and an article on driverless cars becoming legal in California.

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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday Scribbles - Gambling vs Gaming

by Rachel Hoyt
image by Grant Cochrane via
The other night, I felt remiss,
Was missing online poker bliss -
Bat'ling beefcakes for cash chips,
Watching chat screens for whining lips,
Forgetting all of life's grimy grits,
While playing for pennies and sharp'ning my wits.
Then I stumbled upon a site,
Which instantly brought me delight -
It seems that gaming subscriptions
Have been deemed not to cause addictions,
Because somehow, once again, legally,
I'm bluffing, check raising, and going 'all in' with glee.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved
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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday Scribbles - Obesity Amongst Captive Animals

Reverse Dietology
by Rachel Hoyt
 image by Naypong via

You just can't trust a pet
To ponder its diet.
You turn your back one sec
And they find ways to wreck
That fifteen minute stroll
Y’all took down to the knoll.
If they could only learn -
Eat less or burn, burn, burn!
No one said, "Clean your plate."
Or, "Stand still by that gate."
Captivity made them
Act weak like some humans.

You'd think that free shelter
Would not be a melter
Of motivation
And that adaptation
Would involve one's diet,
But you can't trust a pet.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved

Inspired by this BBC News article discovered via Boing Boing.

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writers' week writing contest

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - Converting Sleep to Song

Melodic Dreams
by Rachel Hoyt
image by fotographic1980's via

Once fleeting dreams
Now will not die
Sleep's a broken melody
That can now fly.

Hold fast to dreams -
Record a song.
Write down your memory
So you can sing along.

Reach for your dreams
Sing loud and clear
Harnessing energy
Within to squash fear.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved
Inspired by Langston Hughes' poem, "Dreams" and this news article on converting sleep to song.
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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! Got Patch?

The Nictitate Patch, A Bit of Pirate Jestory
by Rachel Hoyt

image by James Barker via

As dawn crept near one summer day,
In a beach town, surfers around, one scallywag did lay.
He had winked at near ev'ry lass who braved walking his way.
He loved to "Arrr!" and "Yarrr!" in bars, but was misunderstood.
"Those who 'Arrr', 'Yarrr', and nictitate we holy folks find rude."
Said the preacher, "Abandon his ship of fakey flattertude!"
Then Patch the pirate hatched a plan,
To cover his woe, so none would know, still he winked like a man.
Try as he might to hide from the light, his eyelid is a fan.
One day the patch will flip up fast and he'll be made to tell,
But if his nictitate patch could latch, it would likely sell -
No one wants winks to damn them to hell.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved
This poem was inspired by a comment Bryan White left on my Wacky Word poem, "Nictitate".  Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Hope yarrrs is great!

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Photo Fun - Something Sun Loving

Something Sun Loving
by Rachel Hoyt

Lives life in hopes of touching the sun,
but is satisfied with twelve or less feet of fun.
A single stem beauty composed of many blooms.
Full of the nectar its lover, the bee, consumes.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,
Friday Photo Fun is when I share a randomly captured moment,
or perhaps a photo experiment with more purposeful intent,
then pair it with a rhyming riddle to exercise your mind
and teach you more weird facts to which you once were blind.
After the answer is guessed, I will post a second, non-abstract photo...
and just in case you wanted to know,
the first is not a photoshopped version of the second -
they're shot using different techniques that to me beckon

Bryan was able to guess right away
that Sunflowers were the abstractified object of the day.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Augury

by Rachel Hoyt

image by winnond via

An augury
is a sign you see
that might make you feel tingly.

It's an omen of what's to be
if you believe the world shows thee
through the occasional augury.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.
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Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Photo Fun - Something Wooden

Something Wooden
by Rachel Hoyt

A pastime that has been around for centuries,
requiring skills not found in fingers, toes or knees.
A way to keep your brain power un-molded. 
The very best at this do it blindfolded.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt.  All rights reserved.

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,
Friday Photo Fun is when I share a randomly captured moment,
or perhaps a photo experiment with more purposeful intent,
then pair it with a rhyming riddle to exercise your mind
and teach you more weird facts to which you once were blind.
After the answer is guessed, I will post a second, non-abstract photo...
and just in case you wanted to know,
the first is not a photoshopped version of the second -
they're shot using different techniques that to me beckon.

Bryan guessed, somewhat blindly,
that chess keeps your brain functioning sprightly.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - Bethel, Alaska and Taco Bell

image by koratmember via

Dear residents of Bethel, Alaska,

Did you enjoy your Doritos Locos Tacos bonanza?
Would writing the joy you tasted fill a line or a stanza?
I felt much empathy for you when I heard
you'd been told 'The Bell' was coming by some nerd
who only meant to prank a single 'friend'
and gained a full town of bruised egos to mend.

It was quite nice of Taco Bell to throw a party
to keep your cravings for their food hearty,
but what did you think of their latest invention?
(I haven't yet tried it and have no intention.
Despite a deep love for Taco Bell food,
that flavor combo looks quite crummy and crude.)

Was that wacky snacky worth being part of a promo
for a fast food joint to which you still cannot go?
To me, the trade off there seems a bit loco.
What about the normal tacos, nachos and burritos?
Chalupas, gorditas, enchiladas and enchirritos?
For the love of beans! (Por el amor de frijolitos!)

I'm sorry to point out, perhaps before you realized,
that this kind act may one day make your list of most despised.
You could try to raise funds through kickstarter or an imitator,
to try to taste more fast food sooner rather than later.
Surely someone there must think that it is franchise ownership time.

I hope Taco Bell cravings don't drive Bethel loco!
Do let me know your thoughts on the Doritos taco.

Here's hoping you'll soon be eating American style!


Rachel Hoyt
of Rhyme Me a Smile

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Read the news that inspired the rhyme here.

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Does getting cards in the mail make you smile?
Why not get one from me once in a while?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Puckish

by Rachel Hoyt

Image by Tina Phillips via
Those who act puckish
act out most every wish
and always have stories to dish
'cuz they're mischevious little fish,
those whimsical creatures - the puckish.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Two Years of Rhymes = Lots of Good Times

Highlights from Year Two for You
by Rachel Hoyt
image by anankkml via

Happy Blogoversary to me!
It's time to start year three!!!
Did you enjoy year number two?
I've cherished every comment from you.
They help me to carry on
waking up each day at dawn
to search for fun stories to share
with a bit of added rhyming flare.

To celebrate, I will list this year's Top 10
poems that you might want to read (again?):

#8 - Mickle

I also published some fun poems about tea
and would like to thank Tea Magazine for supporting me.

Lastly, if you haven't yet, visit Clickety Clack, We Talk Back,
where I rhyme online comments into a word snack,
as a new columnist who riffs on those talking smack.