Showing posts with label funny poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny poem. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Valley Speak is Spreading to Men?

Valley Boys
by Rachel Hoyt

image by porbital via

Oh em gee - 
How could it be?
A change in masculinity?
Like, what's the deal?
Is this for real?
Could valley speak have mass appeal?
You're joking, right?
Get out of sight!
Upspeak implies a lack of might.
As if, you know...
Like, dude, bro...
Male voices aren't all loud and low?

Copyright © 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

According to a new study, more California men
are speaking with an upward tone like I did way back when.

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

How Will Southern California Survive This Chilly Winter?

So. Cal. Chill
by Rachel Hoyt
image by James Barker via
It's so cold I had to dry
my hair completely and then lie
to my boss about why I
was late on this important date.
It's so cold I had to pull
socks on my feet and wished for wool
although I felt like a big fool
wearing white socks with Birkenstocks.
It's so cold I had to change
my sheets to flannel (which felt strange)
and move my bed far out of range
of the chill which spills from my windowsill.
It's so cold I had to heat
up my food so I could eat
and stop the teeth chattering beat
accompanying my mind's whining.
Copyright © 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
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It may feel cold, but we should hear
how silly we sound to certain ears.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wacky Word Wednesday - Yen

by Rachel Hoyt

image by Stuart Miles via

When you have a yen
you need, don't feel Zen.
Craving level ten?
That want is a yen.

Copyright © 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wacky Word Monday - Bacchanal

(BAK uh nal)

by Rachel Hoyt
image by JanPietruskzka via

At a bacchanal
it is hard to tell
who's ill and who's well
for alcohol's spell
dings the crowd's bell
at a boisterous bacchanal.
© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday Thoughts - On Moving to Mars

Red Light, Red Planet
by Rachel Hoyt
image by Victor Habbick via
I will not pay five dollars for
a roll in your next show,
To leave my planet evermore -
You should beg me to go.
might help my health a bit,
For tat we know no tit.
Crater hopping sure does sound fun,
but dodging asteroids?
That space suit best be made to run
and locate nearby voids,
like the ones where your cameras
will be properly placed
to record gruesome last hurrahs
without being erased.
I'll save my dreams for the next flight,
planet, or galaxy -
The profit sharing seems not right,
I would rather stay free.
© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved

Thousands have applied to die on Mars.
Do you think it's because they want spaceships, not cars?

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday Thoughts - Smart Phone Apps and Technological Advances

The Workey Jerkey
by Rachel Hoyt

image by Victor Habbick via

You put a gadget in,
You pull part of a job out,
You put a gadget in,
Then you shake the gigs about -

You do the Workey Jerkey
As the world spins round and round -
That's what work's all about!

You put some software in,
You pull more humans out,
You put more software in,
Crunch and shake brain cells about -

You do the Workey Jerkey
As the world spins round and round -
That's what work's all about!

You put a robot in,
You take multiple jobs out,
You put a robot in,
The economy swings about -

You do the Workey Jerkey
As the world spins round and round -
That's what work's all about!
© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
We can't be inconvenienced to diagnose our ills,
And desire same day delivery to increase our shopping thrills,
Then wonder why we have no money to pay the bills.
How do we expect to fix the recession
if robots are required for our world's progression?
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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wacky Word Wednesday - Effrontery

(eff rhunt er ee)
by Rachel Hoyt
photo by imagerymagestic via
An act of effrontery
Has ample audacity,
Resembles skulduggery,
Is often perfunctory,
And does not intentionally
Inhibit your joy selfishly -
© 2013 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.
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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - Survival Pod

My Posh Pod
by Rachel Hoyt

The walls would be navy
with sparkles attached
and padded so comfy
that new dreams would hatch
while everything outside
just crumbles and melts
and my smug, non-chapped hide
enjoys petting felt.
If I spent a million
or more to survive,
that saving dominion
would comfort and guide.
No pod pink slip will wear
my name in dry ink
until it can compare
to a human link.
With soft straps to hug me
and knowledge to teach,
my pod 'pop' would be the
dream cash helped me reach.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved
Many are planning and building, hoping they survive
the end of the world... but would you want to be alive?
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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Bibelot

(BIB loh)
by Rachel Hoyt

image by sippakorn via
You buy a bibelot
not for show,
but because you know,
inside it can stow
memories to make you glow.

Beloved knick-knacks from abroad are bibelots.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - Judges and Creative Sentencing

Judge Shamus
by Rachel Hoyt
image by Salvatore Vuono via
If you dare deface my town,
I will dress you as a clown.
If you steal from the needy,
You'll be temp-tattooed 'Greedy'.
If you ditch cats in the cold,
You'll sleep where there's no stronghold.
I seek an eye for an eye,
Creatively, on the fly.
You may think that I am cruel,
But only you make you a fool.
I just flaunt your foolishness
And shame you with my wittiness.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
This poem is about creative judges
who bravely risk reputation smudges
by creatively sentencing to help some learn
in life reputation is something you earn.
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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Izzat

(IZ ut)

by Rachel Hoyt

image by Danilo Rizzuti via

is not a nut,
but lives in your gut,
in your soul's hut -
to insults it says, "What?!
I'm no stray mutt,
nor ghost of King Tut.
I'm me, like you but
with more honor, izzat."
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Flagitious

(fluh JISH uhs)

by Rachel Hoyt
image by digitalart via

Someone who's flagitious
might flash the religious
befriend the bibulous,
and compile fruits quite frivolous -
be wicked, criminal, ridiculous -
that's being flagitious.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Clowder

(CLOU dur)

by Rachel Hoyt
image by Vlado via

If you had a clowder,
your life would be louder,
maybe you'd feel prouder...
but please don't feed them chowder.
On feeding dairy to cats, I'm no lauder
and a cluster of cats is a clowder.

No wise one feeds his clowder chowder.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - Phantom Vibrations

Vibeadonna Syndrome
by Rachel Hoyt
image by chawalitpix via

Last night, I felt a phantom vibe,
Tingle my leg, tickle my hide.
It buzzed right through me all night long -
Buzz, buzz - a tweet? text? email? WRONG!
All night long, phantom vibes like gongs:
What if Susie tweeted 'bout a party?
What if Lucy's 'liking' ev'ry post by Benji?
What if Hailey Hollywood fumbled again?
What if I miss pictures of cats sexy men?
What if my friends start to think I am boring?
What if I lose part of my following?
What if I need to change my profile picture?
What if words were blabbed that deserve my stricture?
What if this phantom vibe causes a twitch?
What if it also starts to make me itch?
What if the vibes become phantom thoughts?
What if I acted on whatifs and whatnots?
What if I put my cell phone down on the shelf?
What if I try being happy, all by myself?

I believed those last wise whatifs,
And briefly felt their peaceful bliss,
'Til Tammy came to say that Shelly and Shelby,
Were breaking up on Twitter! That I had to see.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved
Inspired by Shel Silverstein's poem, "Whatif",
an article on phantom vibrations,
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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Nescient

(neh shent)
by Rachel Hoyt
image by Stuart Miles via
One described as nescient,
Is quite UN-omniscient,
He or she is ign'rant,
With knowledge so NOT pregnant,
And not so reminiscent -
Aptly described as nescient.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.
Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Jactation

by Rachel Hoyt

image by photostock via

A fanfaron is known for jactation.
Whether at home, work, or on vacation,
he or she boasts without pause or hesitation.
That's why fanfaron's are known for jactation.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Pleonasm

by Rachel Hoyt

image by digitalart via

is like a mouth orgasm,
a tip of the tongue spasm,
or redundant sarcasm -

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - Vending Machines and Robot Domination

Dear vending machine inventors and clever ad agencies,

Think about what you are doing to the world with your work, please.
It seems the new trend is to engage the customer with the machine,
but exploiting love for junk food at this level seems plain mean.
There's the one in Singapore that gives out a free Coke for a hug,
or the traveling machine that spits out free chips when you cut the rug,
three machines which treat humanity like we're all dumb as rocks.

While there are the many who live life happily ignorant
of the psychological effects for which such advertising is meant,
I, for one, know that you will benefit long after that day
when the long hidden happy memories come into play.
When feeling blue, they may look back upon the joy
they found interacting with your junk food dispensing toy
and reach for that same snack to help soothe their pain
only to experience undesired weight gain.

I know what you'll say. "Watch the videos.  They love it!"
I am familiar with your tactic, but wish you were above it.
At the very least could you post some nutritional info?
The calories burned while earning the treat could also show?
You stand to gain much by getting the people to play your game,
so spread honest facts now before you are the ones they blame
for their vast lack of happiness and plethora of fat cells -
the obvious result of your machine's powerful spells.

May your robots be kind and spread joy in style!


Rachel Hoyt
of Rhyme Me a Smile

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - Computer Glitches and Ronald Page

image by Salvatore Vuono via

I hear you had quite an exploit
because one ATM functioned quite maladroit.
One might wonder if it was programmed to fail
at discerning who's a buffoon and who's a whale
though it need only check one basic fact:
is this account cash empty or packed?

I never thought I'd live to see a crime
that resembled that "pennies for everyone" line
that Peter Gibbons used in Office Space
to justify the great big smile on his face
caused by a purposeful computer glitch
which succeeded, though with a small hitch.

When you realized you could continue withdrawing
cash despite a negative balance (quite appalling)
did you think that it must be "cash for free day"?
A special, one time gift to gamble away?
That fate had finally sent your reward
so during retirement you wouldn't be bored?

I know we all thought those government bailouts
would eventually help the people's worries and pouts,
but I don't think that the government intended
for lending practices to be quite this amended
or for one guy to get 1.5 million for free
while nothing trickles down to the masses (and me).

And, call me crazy, but I think every human knows
if they can afford to use dollars to blow their nose.
So, who is the Milton in this wacky scenario
helping lessen your time in jail (if you go)?
Did you steal his coveted Swingline
stapler which makes days more sublime?

I can't imagine another good reason why
anyone would defend your silent outcry
for a more lavish retirement fund...
but the prosecution did.  I'm stunned!
Then again, there's no chance for restitution
if you're in jail or a mental institution...

So much for retiring in style!

Good luck!

Rachel Hoyt
of Rhyme Me a Smile

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt.  All rights reserved.

Read the news that inspired the rhyme here.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - On BPAs, Plastic and Packaged Food

Dearest Prince of Plastic,

It would be really fantastic
(though it may sound drastic)
if you could banish fakery,
poverty, slavery and trickery
in your kingdom of plasticity.

and their evil infectious ways,
but just realized in recent days
that it's in, on or near everything I buy!
Why must BPAs haunt and taunt me?  Why?!

The tupperware I bought isn't safe enough
to heat food in and extra dish work is rough.
And what about all those convenience foods?
Is anything wrapped in plastic safe dudes?
Those BPAs could really alter our moods...

I'm a single gal with little time to cook
who tries to eat healthy but can still, with one look,
count ten or more suspicious items within view
that might have BPAs that could harm you.

Since the FDA won't stand up for us (Who's to gain?),
I thought you could bless your kingdom and wane
the use of low quality plastics that cause us pain.
There must be some other, better use to suit their style.
Perhaps you could just put them on welfare for a while?

Thanks for your help!

Rachel Hoyt
of Rhyme Me a Smile

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt.  All rights reserved.

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