Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Heckling Education

Image by Grant Cochrane via freedigitalphoto.net

I feel awfully young to be writing this phrase,
but what exactly is happening to education these days?
I have heard stories where kids do sound overworked
but the solution LA chose just makes me feel irked.
Now homework can count for no more than 10%?!
Earning an A with no homework done seems heaven sent.

The thing is, how could kids possibly learn all that stuff
without studying textbooks and practicing math enough?
Right there - that's where I sound just like my granddad.
Mostly I think that's funny. It doesn't really make me mad.
It would've been fun to heckle the district with him
about the fact that percentage seems a bit slim.

Maybe we should just offer to tutor the kids in poker?
They can still learn some math! (Yeah, I'm a joker.)
Perhaps a high school class on marketing via Twitter
is the next way they'll try to motivate each quitter.
If you can't make them study, encourage entrepreneurial spirit?
It's an idea I'd imagined but hoped I'd never live to hear it.

What would you do if suddenly homework counted for squat?
Doesn't that "up" classroom learning pressure quite a whole lot?
Could you have passed through school sans homework and cheating?
Why not just get a GED and let your school days be fleeting?
Haven't we produced enough dunces in the current system?
Should we expect some sort of nationwide educational schism?

© Rachel Hoyt 2011.  All rights reserved.

This rhyme is being shared at One Shot Wednesday - Week 53.
If you're visiting from there, please leave your links for me.


  1. This made me smile even though the message is serious. Utterly charming.

  2. Yes it is quite sad
    How they make it so easy on each gal and lad
    There is such a thing is too much
    But this is off by a touch
    Although they need their facebook and twitter after all
    We wouldn't want them to comment stall
    Half of it is the parents fault
    Whining and whining causing such a revolt
    They have to whine at what's on tv
    They video games you see
    Now the amount of poor homework
    Instead of getting off their butt to lurk
    Watching, helping, what their kids do
    But no whining seems to be the in thing, who knew
    Oh and yes I would have passed with no homework just fine
    As in class is when I did mine

  3. it is a sad state of affairs what with the standardized testing like feeding kids replicated lunches just to move them through the system...one size does not fit all...nice write..

  4. Grading a student then, letting them know of the (10) rule: if there is to be less homework and count for only 10% of their grade, then 10 minutes prior to class ending, there will be an oral quiz ramdomly choosing someone in the class, testing for retention and attentiveness, it will count for 10%, accumulatively, toward their grade at the end of the year.

  5. Skilful rhyming! A great way to talk about a serious subject.

  6. @emma - Thanks! I try to make it more fun to read some of the less happy news. :)

    @Pat - all your homework in class? I did some there but usually spent another hour or so after school finishing.

    @Brian - Its sad that schools are so judged by their test scores. It reminds me of the stock market.

    @nene - I'm sure they will use something like that, but I ache for the kids already experiencing test anxiety. This will not be good for them.

  7. @lucyfurleaps - Thanks! I'm glad you feel the rhyming lightens the topic a bit. :)

  8. Hmm...do I comment or not!!
    I am only going to quote one sentence from the article:

    The L.A. approach is intended to account for the myriad urban problems facing the districts mostly LOW-INCOME, MINORITY population.

    Sorry Rachel, I have no rhyme this time!

  9. Rachel~
    You have used rhyme and meter to address a serious social trend, and done it well. nice write.


  10. @Wanda - Always feel free to comment even if you disagree! I did read that part of the sentence, but... well, they aren't the only kids at that school. A lot of the schools in Santa Barbara have a very high low income, minority population as well. Just because they aren't the majority doesn't mean their needs should be ignored, nor should the non-minority children's needs be ignored in L.A. I just think this solution moves us from one extreme to another and solves nothing, but only time will tell.

  11. @Kim - Thanks! I'm glad you feel it was written well. Humor with serious subjects is tough. :)

  12. Despite the serious message in there, your cool writing style really made me smile, Rachel.. you rock at this!! I know where I'll send my future kid for poetry lessons - Rachel Hoyt it shall be!! :)

    Hmm.. but I quite think marketing via twitter is just as tough and "competitive" .. what say?! ;-)

  13. Really disappointing that our society wants more and nothing but the best, but expects do less to acquire it. Love the rhymes!

  14. I don't understand how getting rid of homework helps students? I realize that for years students have been possibly over-inundated, but to go to the opposite extreme, doesn't seem any better. You have created an excellent take on a very serious topic though and I applaud your poetic talents.

    Ps. I have a haiku up for OSW here

  15. nice and informational. nice to have read you.

  16. Srsly, this is why I disliked college, high school was even worse.

  17. @Kavita - Awww, shucks. I wish I felt like I knew HOW to give poetry lessons! (I've never really felt I was good at teaching.) :)

    @Cole - It's a tough goal to fulfill the way society has set it up, eh? Thanks for visiting. Glad you like the rhymes!

    @kkrige - I think the premise is that there were so many kids not doing homework (and therefore failing / not passing) who the school district felt were smart enough to pass? Anyhow, I'm gald you enjoyed my rhyming opinion on the subject. :)

    @Quotes, Photos and a little Poetry - Thank you! I love having new visitors. I'll be over to see you soon. :)

    @MyOwn5avior - So... you're saying no homework is good?

  18. aww Homework. Mine was done on the back of the bus before getting home so I wouldn't miss the Warner Bros. Cartoons. It was essential in the learning process I feel.


  19. Somehow I missed this in the news -- Thank you for the national update ;-)

    I will have to investigate more before I can discuss intelligently -- my gut is that I've always thought kids have too much homework ...

  20. I love the way you tackle even serious issues like education in a rhyme. Seriously I dont know where the education system is heading without homework.


  21. This is the way it's done in many of my daughter's high school classes. Classwork and/or homework are negligible, so many students just goof off and make it harder for the ones who try to learn.

  22. @alejandro - Hehe. I like your learning process! Be sure you pass on that time management skill to Amelie. :)

    @Dangerous Linda - I'm glad I could provide you with an update! No need to share your opinion right away. This is definitely an issue to think on.

    @Rimly - I too can't imagine school without homework. I learn by repetition.

    @Lolamouse - Interesting. So it is being tried out in various locations. Thanks for sharing your experience!


Rhyming or not, I would like a lot to hear the thoughts my words brought...