Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Bunbury

(BUN buh ree)
by Rachel Hoyt
image by sattva via
is your doppleganger, mini me,
that no one, I mean no one can see,
because he or she is imaginary.

Saving bad dates for multiple centuries:
the fearless, fictional bunburies.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - Amazon Kindle Content and Account Access

Pocket Garden
by Rachel Hoyt

image by Maggie Smith via

She lost the garden in her pocket -
One which she loved to explore.

She lost the garden in her pocket.
It was not forgotten on some floor.

She lost the garden in her pocket.
The groundskeeper said that she was banned.

She lost the garden in her pocket -
Now her library is a vacant book stand.

She lost the garden in her pocket -
Guts stolen, replaced with pocket lint.

She lost the garden in her pocket -
Canned contract speak her only hints.

She lost the garden in her pocket
But didn't enjoy life by herself.

She lost the garden in her pocket -
So she grew a forest on her shelf.

© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved

This chant poem was inspired by news of a woman whose Kindle was wiped
and whom Amazon banned without explanation (because she griped?).

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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -

poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Flagitious

(fluh JISH uhs)

by Rachel Hoyt
image by digitalart via

Someone who's flagitious
might flash the religious
befriend the bibulous,
and compile fruits quite frivolous -
be wicked, criminal, ridiculous -
that's being flagitious.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - On Psychotropics for Kids

by Rachel Hoyt
image by Jomphong via
Murf Murphy, the vintage TV,
from his spot in the foyer could see
ad slogans turn into life mantras
in the lives of Jimmys and Cassandras.
He taught me all that he knew
as he knew his days were soon through.
"Don't believe what they say," he said,
"Slogans just brainwash and buy bread."
He'd taught me I deserve a break today
and that I can actually have it 'my way',
but that the taste of the new generation
should be good old, "Everything in moderation."
'Just what the Dr ordered' is not
found in anything that I ate or bought.
Yet, oatmeal is something to smile about.
Got milk? Smiles are less fun without.
The last words he grumbled were, "Say no to drugs."
as he flashed images of famous thugs.
"They can snap, crackle, pop your braincells
with their 'works like a dream' magic spells."
"You've come a long way, baby -
thoughts Zestfully clean now, maybe?"
Words, like pills, can have side effects.
I told Murf I knew that (now) when I paid my respects.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved
This poem was written for the parent of every child
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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Decorticate

(dee KOR tih kayt)

by Rachel Hoyt

image by Michelle Meiklejohn via

Lizards decorticate
without help or disturbed state,
then they regenerate
that layer they shed to feel great.
Sneakily they regulate
their ability to decorticate.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - On David Siegel and Urban Legends

Burp Attack
by Rachel Hoyt
image by Marcus74id via
One day, The Ruler of Resorts
Looked out at his empire,
Gazed upon a small, green cohort
Some kids viewed as a squire.

Mac the turtle,
Toppled king Yertle -
With one simple burp,
He fell like a twerp.

The Ruler of Resorts knew stuff,
Which mostly he'd learned online,
And so he Googled, "How to rule tough,"
And made plans to thicken his spine.

Mac the turtle,
Pictured king Yertle,
Plummeting in fear,
Then yelled, "Boo!" in his ear.

The Ruler donned his crown
And gathered the thoughts he'd procured,
Wrote his insanity down
And mailed it before he matured.

Mac the turtle,
Laughed at pseudo-Yertle,
"You know you can't succeed.
I'm the yang to your yin greed!"

Knowing Mac was just a small voice,
Unlikely to sue for plagiarism,
The Ruler of Resorts stole his words by choice
With naive hopes of stopping a schism.

Mac the turtle,
Channelled king Yertle,
To decide what to do -
One burp or two?

Yertle fell quickly, but the Ruler's demise
Came from two distinct lifequakes -
One writer now richer for writing good lies
And staff gone on strike, "For Thought's Sake".
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved

and written in hopes the ending will resemble Dr. Seuss's, "Yertle the Turtle".

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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Clowder

(CLOU dur)

by Rachel Hoyt
image by Vlado via

If you had a clowder,
your life would be louder,
maybe you'd feel prouder...
but please don't feed them chowder.
On feeding dairy to cats, I'm no lauder
and a cluster of cats is a clowder.

No wise one feeds his clowder chowder.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - A Sonnet for Driverless Cars

Self-Driving Sonnet
by Rachel Hoyt
image by digitalart via
Shall I compare thee to a chauffeured ride?
Thou art more dicey and incognito.
Hast thou not a soul within as your guide?
The future is soon and then we will know.
Wilt thou shine radiant with metallic wit,
Overflowing with delicious dotings,
Making conga lines form in a mosh pit,
Mending the crippled and paralyzed wings,
Skipping stumbling lushes from bars to home,
Taking over boring tasks like parking,
Letting riders sit and enjoy the roam,
Quieting traffic's need for loud barking?
So long as you're nice we'll praise you 'round town,
But betray our trust and we'll shut you down.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved

Inspired by Shakespeare's Sonnet 18
and an article on driverless cars becoming legal in California.

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Read more rhymes by Rachel at her new column, Clickety Clack -
poetic news about Santa Barbarians talking back

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wacky Word Wednesday - Cacoepy

(kuh KOH ih pee)
by Rachel Hoyt
image by Janaka Dharmasena via
To pronounce cacoepy
incorrectly would be
a verbal monstrosity -
habitually pronouncing words incorrectly
defines the essence of cacoepy.
© 2012 Rachel Hoyt. All rights reserved.

Every week I rhyme and define a new wacky word.
Come on over to indulge your inner nerd.
And, please let me know of any weird words you've heard.

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