Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - Apple, Tim Cook and @FridgeToaster

image by Bill Longshaw via

Hey there Mr. Cook,

I saw what you said and, look,
@FridgeToaster is my friend
Who would want that combo, you say?
Probably quite a few people would pay
for that handy two-in-one appliance,
maybe partially in defiance,
but also because none of us made as much money
and our smart phones and iPads got us thinking
that one way to avoid further financial sinking
is to buy things that bring more than one type of joy
like those gadgets that are phone, camera, computer and toy.
A retro VacuumLamp would look cool and save space
near the FridgeToaster I imagine in my place.
I just thought I'd mention it in case you realize
your product helped spur these thoughts you seem to despise.
Were you just being an imitation hater?
Will you reveal FridgeToaster plans later?
Or perhaps an even more awesome duo?
I know you'll always tell me your product is more awesome.
The question is will I see it as a thought blossom?
I had planned to purchase an Apple product soon
but haven't appreciated being treated like a loon
for being content with my PC in the mean time
although it has supported my creative side just fine.

Enjoy swimming in denial and your big money pile!


Rachel Hoyt
of Rhyme Me a Smile


  1. 'Hey, Fridegetoaster is my friend. Leave him and Coffee-Cube Maker alone!"


    1. Coffee-cube maker is so cool. Those who don't know him must feel the fool. :P

  2. I wonder if this will lead to a production model...


Rhyming or not, I would like a lot to hear the thoughts my words brought...